Sharing is Caring

Sharing is Caring
when we sharing anything with everyone,it's means we care about them....that's mean Super Junior always sharing and caring each other.....

Jumaat, 17 Jun 2011

Welcome eveyone!!!

slmt dtg ke blog sy....mcm yg awk tgk kat ats nie ade gmbr ryeowook n donghae dr super mnt gler2 kat dorg nie....kat gmbr profil sy pon sme gak....slain dorg,sy pon mnt sungmin,kyuhyun,heechul,lee teuk,siwon n eunhyuk....maaflah law kat blog sy nie pnuh sal suju sbb sy nie mmg jns gler ckit kat suju nie(pdhal gler bnyk...hahaha....)...grup korea yg len pon sy mnt gak tp krg la ckit....ape2 pon,SUPER JUNIOR ALWAYS NO.1 IN MY HEART(wah!!!power ayt...hahaha....)law grup pmpuan lak,sy mnt girls generation(snsd) ade ayt or mane2 ayt yg korg x fhm,maaf lah sbb sy nie kan asl dr kelate tp dbsrkan d brcmpur la bhs nie x fhm,leh jer tnye sy dgn mninggalkan komen anda sume...mane2 kkrgn akn sy perbaiki....hope all of u have a nice day n enjoy life....SMILE ALWAYS =)....FIGHTING!!!!

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